DK Closing Event

To celebrate nearly 15 years of our successful FWF-funded doctoral program, we are organizing a one-day event with an invited talk by a distinguished discrete mathematician and short presentations by former and current students of our doctoral school. The speakers come from both academia and industry and reflect the breadth of fields in which our former student pursue their careers.

When: May 24, 2024, 08:45-17:00
Where: BE01, Steyrergasse 30

Please register for the event at
Unfortunately, the invited talk by Janos Pach had to be canceled.

  • 8:45-8:55 Opening
  • 8:55-9:15: Wolfgang Woess (TU Graz)
    Reflections on the DK
  • 9:15-9:35: Tetiana Boiko (The Very Group)
    Navigating Credit Risk: A perspective from retail
  • 9:35-9:55: Daniel Krenn (University of Salzburg)
    DK after the DK - a decadal expedition in discrete mathematics
  • 9:55-10:15: Stefan Lendl (s2 data): Optimization for greener logistics

  • 10:15-11:00 Kaffepause

  • 11:00-11:20: Alina Bazarova (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
    Using AI for proving mathematical theorems
  • 11:20-11:40: Jordan McMahon (FWU Austria)
    As a mathematician in life insurance
  • 11:40-12:00: Rene Corbet (Senacor Technologies)
    From Topological Data Analysis to Consulting
  • 12:00-12:20: Sergio Fernandez (TU Graz)
    MathMagic: Positroidal actions over a deck of cards

  • 12:20-13:45 Photo and Lunch (on-site)

  • 13:45-14:05: Caroline Moosmueller (UNC, Chapel Hill)
    Geometric Data Analysis
  • 14:05-14:25: Marko Raseta
    My academic life past DK
  • 14:25-14:45: Christoph Hofer-Temmel (illwerke vkw)
    The electricity must flow
  • 14:45-15:05: Lasse Wulf (Technical University Copenhagen)
    Graph algorithms/combinatorial optimization research in Copenhagen

  • 15:05-15:50: Kaffeepause

  • 15:50-16:10: Lenonardo Alese (Tablescope)
    Closing the Curve - From Games to Maths and Back
  • 16:10-16:30: Johannes Cuno (PH Ludwigsburg)
    Finding my way into teacher education
  • 16:30-16:50: Gabriel Lipnik (Anexia)
    Optimization in the Austrian Railway Industry

  • 16:50: Closing