P r o g r a m

SUNDAY, 3 June
MONDAY, 4 June
FRIDAY, 8 June

SUNDAY, 3 June

18.00-21.00 Registration desk open in the entrance hall of the Insitute of Mathematics, Steyrergasse 30.
If you are already in Graz, please come!!!

MONDAY, 4 June

08.00-09.00 Registration
Morning session: chair B. Hambly
9.00-9.30 Opening
9.30-10.20 Th. Coulhon (Cergy): Estimates for transition probabilities of random walks on infinite graphs
10.20-10.50 Coffee break
10.50-11.40 M. Barlow (Vancouver): Which values of the volume growth and anomalous diffusion exponents are possible?
12.00-12.30 C. Sabot: Spectral properties of fractal lattices and iteration of rational maps

12.30-14.20 Lunch break

Afternoon session 1: chair M. Lapidus
14.20-15.10 K. Falconer (St. Andrews): Fractal aspects of random fields
15.30-16.00 C. Bandt: Global and local symmetries of self-similar sets
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
Afternoon session 2: chair K. Falconer
16.30-17.00 J.-M. Rey: Properties of the dimension of a measure and the behaviour of correlation dimensions
17.00-17.30 Y. Xiao: Renewal techniques for small ball probabilities of Brownian motion restrict to self-similar sets
17.30-18.00 E. Teufl: Hausdorff-dimension of overlapping self-similar sets and combinatorics on words
18.00-18.30 P. Siri: A stochastic algorithm to compute optimal probabilities in the chaos-game


Morning session: chair
09.00-09.50 M. Mendès-France (Bordeaux): Infinite chains of strings and masses
09.50-10.20 Coffee break
10.20-11.10 A. Lasota (Katowice): Fractals, Multifunctions, and Markov Operators
11.30-12.00 J. Myjak: On dimensions of measures

12.00-14.00 Lunch break

Afternoon session: chair
14.00-14.50 A. Teplyaev (Riverside): Dirichlet form analysis on the Sierpinski gasket
15.00-15.30 B. Krön: Self-similar graphs and their spectrum
15.30-16.00 C. Wolf: Fractal Julia sets in complex dynamics of C²
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.00 N. Glazunov: Number theory, dynamical systems, and distribution of numerical sequences
17.00-17.30 Z. Buczolich: Hölder spectrum of typical monotone continuous functions
17.30-18.00 R. Winkler: Hausdorff dimensional results connected with the distribution of subsequences
18.00-18.30 N. Patzschke: Tangent measure distributions of self-conformal measures
19.30 Reception by the Governor of the Province of Styria, Grazer Burg


Morning session: chair
09.00-09.50 H. Furstenberg (Jerusalem): Ergodic Theory and the Geometry of Fractals
09.50-10.20 Coffee break
10.20-11.10 R. I. Grigorchuk (Moscow): From fractal groups to fractal sets
11.30-12.00 M. Zähle: Riesz potentials and Besov spaces on fractals

12.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00-22.00 Excursion to Riegersburg castle including guided tour through the castle (or alternatively an exhibition on witches) followed by a rustic dinner in a local winery


Morning session: chair
09.00-09.50 M. Lapidus (Riverside): Fractal Geometry and Number Theory
09.50-10.20 Coffee break
10.20-10.50 J. Thuswaldner: Neighbours of tiles in periodic tilings
10.50-11.20 C. Escribaño: A Combinatorial Method to Calculate Local Measure Dimension
11.20-11.50 S. Sastre: Hausdorff Dimension of Self-Similar Measures without the Open Set Condition
11.50-12.20 W. Steiner: Digital Expansions and Rauzy Fractals

12.20-14.00 Lunch break

Afternoon session: chair
14.00-14.50 T. Kumagai (Kyoto): Large Deviations and laws of the iterated logarithm for Brownian Motion on fractals
15.00-15.30 S. Koch: Construction of a Poisson boundary
15.30-16.00 V. A. Kaimanovich: Fractals and hyperbolicity
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.00 A. Soos: Selfsimilar fractal functions using contraction method in probabilistic metric spaces
17.00-17.30 A. Petrusel: Fixed points and fractals
17.30-18.00 W. Slomczynski: Entropy, dynamics, and fractals
18.00-18.30 R. Peirone: Convergence of Discrete Dirichlet Forms to Continuous Dirichlet Forms on Fractals

Popular talk for a general audience (in German):
16.00-17.00 Aula der TU Graz: H.-O. Peitgen: Ordnung im Chaos -- Chaos in der Ordnung
19.30 Reception by the Mayor of Graz (Aula der TU Graz)

FRIDAY, 8. June

Morning session: chair
09.00-09.50 B. Hambly (Oxford): Branching processes and random recursive fractals
09.50-10.20 Coffee break
10.20-10.50 A. Telcs: Random walks and a new type of Harnack inequalities
10.50-11.20 K. Hattori: Self-repelling Walk on the Sierpinski Gasket
11.20-11.50 T. Lundh: Martin boundary of a fractal domain
11.50-12.20 V. Metz: Uniqueness of Laplacians on fractals and [0,1]d: orthogonal currents of reducible Dirichlet forms

12.20-14.00 Lunch break

Afternoon session: chair
14.00-14.50 J. Kigami (Kyoto): Quasidistance and heat kernel asymptotics on self-similar sets
15.00-15.30 U. Freiberg: An Application of the Renewal Theorem to Measure Geometric Laplacians on Fractals
15.30-16.00 V. E. Arkhincheev: Microscopic models with anomalous diffusion and its generalizations
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-17.00 D. Guido: Fractals in Noncommutative Geometry
17.00-17.30 M. Ndoye: On the Black-Scholes model driven by mixed multifractal Brownian motion
17.30-18.00 G. Goodman: How Statistical Mechanical Ideas Arise in a Problem of Computer Graphics
18.00-18.30 A. Goetz: Self similar structures in the dynamics of piecewise rotations